Wild life
Conserving Elephants in Meghalaya-AssamCorridor through Education and Awareness (CEMACEA)
ENVIRON has completed its project entitled “Conserving Elephants in Meghalaya-Assam Corridor through Education and Awareness (CEMACEA)” supported by US Fish and Wildlife Services and implemented in association with AxomSarbaShikshaAbhijan Mission, Centre for Environmental Education, ParyavaranMitra, Aitijya-the Heritage &Kalpadroom Foundation.
The Objectives of the project was to facilitate dialoguebetween the key stakeholders including Community Leaders, Media houses, Youth groups, Education Department decision makers, Forest Officials; organizing stakeholder meetings in each cluster to sensitize local actors and create awareness; developing training module and train NGO members on ‘how to impart elephant conservation education’ to different target groups; developing an school classroom module with colour plates and using it to train school teachers; forming 3 school clusters and conducting a year-long elephant conservation education programme; helping students and teachers to conduct elephant conservation education activities in schools; publishing a poster on elephant conservation that is being used by the NGO partners in educating communities and students; publishing a booklet on elephant for students & youth; conducting a student camp for selected students; and developing a mobile ‘SMS’ network among trained NGO members, teachers and interested volunteers for developing an early warning system about elephant movements.
Further in the second phase of the project ENVIRON has requested US Fish & WS to support some alternative livelihood initiatives intervening the farmers’ family who are in frequent conflict with elephants in Meghalaya Assam Elephant corridors along with continuation of the phase-II of CEMACEA program.
As part of this project, ENVIRON has also published an educational booklet entitled “The Story of Our National Heritage Animal” for training of teachers & students.