In 2003, ENVIRON was founded with an effort to address issues of environmental degradation and economic development of Northeastern region of India. ENVIRON is amalgamation of students, researchers and think-tanks who believe that proper management and utilization of renewable natural resource is the key to sustainable development of this region.
Awards Received

Patent on Waste Management and Organic Farming
Founder president and chief functionary of ENVIRON Dr. Amarjyoti Kashyap has invented a “WASTE ASSIMILATOR” which has received Patent having Patent No. 431955.
The invention of “Waste Assimilator” has brought about the much-needed ‘CONVERGENCE’ between the ‘WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIC FARMING’. Due to the Invention it is now possible to transform abundantly available daily generated biodegradable solid waste into ‘organic manure’ and ‘pest repellent’ (on daily basis) which finds large application in ‘Organic Farming’ in every household of India and World as a whole.
Through the use of “Waste Assimilator”, daily generated biodegradable solid waste including unwanted herbs, shrubs, weeds, leaf-litters, agricultural waste, ‘kitchen waste’, ‘cattle dung’ etc. can directly be utilized to produce ‘Organic manure’ and ‘Pest-repellent’ on a daily basis.
Millennium Alliance National Innovation Award (Round-4), 2017

Dr. Amarjyoti Kashyap, president of ENVIRON has received the prestigious Millennium Alliance National Innovation Award (Round-4) under the Water and Sanitation segment from Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Union Minister of India for Science & Technology, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Ministry of Earth Sciences, on July 20th, 2017.
About the Innovation
Due to the invention of “Waste Assimilator” ENVIRON has won the Millennium Alliance Innovation Award (Round-4) under the Water and Sanitation segment. The invention is generating the concept of biodegradable solid waste management and organic cropping which is also opening a path for economic growth and enhancement of organic green cover towards organically green, healthy, economically sound and sanitized India.
An Innovation Partnership for Global Development
The MA is an inclusive platform to leverage Indian creativity, expertise, and resources to identify and scale innovative solutions being developed and tested in India to address development challenges that will benefit base of the pyramid populations across India and the world. Under FICCI’s leadership and in partnership with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Technology Development Board (TDB), and other MA partners, the Alliance will provide innovators with services such as seed funding, grants, incubation and accelerator services, networking opportunities, business support services, knowledge exchange, and technical assistance, and will facilitate access to equity, debt, and other capital. Through the Millennium Alliance, USAID, FICCI, TDB, and other partners, will help realize India’s role as a global innovation laboratory.
National Level 3R Excellence Award, 2018
ENVIRON has received National Level 3R Excellence Award from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India for exemplary work in the area of Waste Management through 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in the 8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, 9-12 April 2018, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.
About the 3R Forum:
The Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific was launched in 2009 in Tokyo, Japan with the objective of integrating the 3Rs in policy, planning and development. The forum provides a strategic platform for sharing best practices in 3R areas, including new and emerging issues of concern in waste management. Established in 1971 the UNCRD is based on an agreement between the Government of Japan and the United Nations.
8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific:
The 8th Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, 9-12 April 2018, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, is being co-organized by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (formerly Ministry of Urban Development) Government of India, the Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan, and the United Nations Centre for Regional Development, under the theme of "Achieving Clean Water, Clean Land and Clean Air through 3R and Resource Efficiency- A 21st Century Vision for Asia-Pacific Communities".
ENVIRON has received the India Sanitation Coalition Awards, 2020 as the Best Non Profit Engagement Model in Sanitation, Special Mention Rural.
The India Sanitation Coalition was launched on June 25, 2015, at Federation of Indian Chamber Commerce and Industry (FICCI), New Delhi. ISC is a multi-stakeholder platform that brings together the private sector, government, financial institutions, civil society groups, media, donors/bi-lateral/multilateral, experts etc. to work in the sanitation space to drive sustainable sanitation through a partnership model. ISC currently has over 150 organizations that are engaging with it in various capacities under the Swachh Bharat Mission including The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Government of India.
ISC- FICCI Sanitation Awards 2020 was held on 26th November, 2020 for the fourth consecutive year to showcase the best initiatives in sanitation. Eminent Scientist Padma Vibhushan Dr R A Mashelkar, was the chairman of the jury.
Due to the outstanding innovative activities towards rural sanitation, Jury members has selected ENVIRON as the Best Non Profit Engagement Model in Sanitation, Special Mention Rural for the ISC- FICCI Sanitation Awards 2020.
Mahatma Gandhi International Sanitation Convention Award, 2018
Due to the invention of “Waste Assimilator”, Dr. Amarjyoti Kashyap, president of ENVIRON has received the ‘Award’ as the finalist and among the top five Innovators of Water and Sanitation in the Mahatma Gandhi International Sanitation Convention, 2018, on September 30th, 2018 from Sue Coates, Programme Director, WSSCC, Geneva.
K K Handiqui University National Fellowship, 2019
Due to the outstanding contribution towards solid waste management, Dr. Amarjyoti Kashyap, President of ENVIRON has received the prestigious “Krishna Kanta Handiqui University National Fellowship” on December 11th, 2019 from His Excellency, Governor of Assam, Professor Jagdish Mukhi who is also the Chancellor of KK Handiqui Open University.