Segregation of Plastic Waste & Plastic Craft
ENVIRON has been promoting different handicraft products from the plastic waste from the year 2010. The idea of promoting plastic craft is to use household level light weight plastic waste like plastic carry bags, different plastic pouch packs, gift rappers etc. In this connection ENVIRON is promoting ‘Money Earning Litterbin’ for efficient source segregation of plastic waste.
Varieties of garland along with chair back, mattresses, table top container, table mat along with different decorative and useful items are now produced by the housewives from the household generated plastic waste. In this connection ENVIRON is organizing different household level training programmes to produce different necessary household utensils from the segregated ‘plastic waste’ which are the major responsible for solid waste pollution.
Objective of these activities are to utilize the house hold generated plastic waste at source so that there will be less chance of mixing of plastic waste with biodegradable solid waste.