- To work for the renewal of renewable natural resources and environment management for mitigation of poverty and climate change and establishment of a research & educational ‘Institute’ to achieve the goal.
- To work on solid and liquid waste resource management and organic farming towards maintaining food chain for balanced ecosystem.
- To work for conservation of wildlife & biodiversity through habitat restoration and community conservation initiatives.
- To create general awareness on water, sanitation & health education for healthy environment and sustainable development.
- To work for the development of rural and hilly areas through scientific utilization of natural resources and information technology.
- To work for the development of eco-tourism, handloom & handicraft and khadi & village industries.
- To provide health and humanity service to the poor and victims of different diseases & accident and in disaster affected areas.
- To work for empowerment of women, children, youths, differently able persons and backward classes and provide humanitarian aid to elderly people through establishment of ‘Old age homes’.