Wild life
The Quiz competition called “Eco-quest 2010” has been launched for the first time in the memory of Lt. Syed MonuwarHussain which will be conducted annually from this year onwards.
In GauhatiUnversity, the campaign took shape at around 11:30 a.m. with leisurely flow of participants. Total 48 participants turned up who made into 24 teams for The Ecoquest 2010. Mr.KripaljyotiMazumdar, Save Loktak Lake Campaign Coordinator, Assam, launched the campaign with his inaugural speech about the global and state level campaign followed by felicitation of the quiz masters- DipjyotiDeka and ShakhyaShamik. The young quiz hosts carried on the event smoothly with their host of brainstorming and interesting audio visual rounds of question touching a range of subjects and times. The winners of the memorial award for Ecoquest 2010 are- Mr.DilipSarma& Mr.Abhra Das of Amar Asom, Ist, Mr.AnuragTalukdar& Mr.SalimHussain, 2nd, and Mr.AnuragGogoi& NabadeyBaruah, 3rd.
While on other side, Parijat academy simultaneously conducted the Art competition on the theme “DeeporBeel” where students of the academy have actively participated. The volunteering teachers of the academy Mr.AmarJyotiDuarah, Mr.TapuNath and Ms.Laura Schuchart of United State judged the competition.
- A view of Participants from Eco-Quest 2010
- Eco-Quest 2010 LOGO
ENVIRON organized a one-day workshop to observe the World Earth Day on Thursday, April 22, 2010 under the National Environment Awareness Campaign programme sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. Around 200 climate student activists gathered at the Department of Zoology, Gauhati University, and took an oath to work towards combating and minimizing the effects of climate change with the theme ‘Let us unite to combat climate change.’ Mr.KripaljyotiMazumdar, Divisional Head, Division of Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation, ENVIRON, gave a talk on the individual efforts that youths and students can take up for combating the change.
In the interactive session, students raised concerns about the local effects that are manifesting in the present-day world with regard to climate change. The concluding session was an oath-taking ceremony where students took the pledge to undertake all-possible efforts with other youths of the region to combat climate change.
Presiding over the workshop, Prof UC Goswami spoke about climate change in the Indian context, also analyzing the politics behind the issue. Prof A Dutta and Prof DK Sharma were also among the speakers. KaustubhRakshit of the Department of Environmental Science gave a presentation on technologies and some possible strategies that could reduce CO2 emission. He recommended a collective effort integrating the different aspects of global climate change.
ENVIRON, has come up with a ten-point action for combating climatic change at individual and community level as the outcome of the workshop. These include changing electric bulbs to compact fluorescent light (CFLs) bulbs to save energy; turning off unneeded lights; avoiding solid waste dumping to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases; going organic and avoiding chemical pesticides; and buying recycled products to save energy and resource etc.