Training Programme on “Conservation Project Planning and Management (CPPM)”, Guwahati, Assam

CLP ENVIRON workshop 2 Conservation projects are key tools for protecting flora and fauna and it essentially depends on planning and management of those projects. Moreover, northeastern region of India being one of the most biodiversity-rich regions of the world, facing great conservation challenges and new developmental initiatives in the region are putting up new difficulties for the conservationist of this region. This necessitates young conservationist to understand the importance of project planning and management tactics. Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) is engaged with such capacity building for last many years and they are trying to spread this novel cause in India as well.

CLP ENVIRON workshopAs a part of this initiative, ENVIRON a group for conservation, management and utilization of nature and natural resources, based at Guwahati organized a three day long training programme on “Conservation Project Planning & Management (CPPM)” from 21st to 23rd August, 2015, targeting the young enthusiastic conservationist, researchers & students from various Institutes and universities of Assam. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Kuladip Sarma, who is a CLP alumni and working on conservation of Chinese Pangolin in Assam supported by CLP. Screening more than 30 (thirty) applications, 10 (ten) applicants were selected for the training programme who were actively participated in the training programme held at ENVIRON head office at Hatigaon, Guwahati, Assam. The training programme aimed to identify young and enthusiastic individuals in Assam, India to contribute in effective conservation of biodiversity Along with conservation project planning and management, the essentials of capacity building and other personal development skills were also covered in various modules of the course. The course core modules were as follows—

  • Concept of conservation leadership.
  • Project planning & management.
  • Role of media & messaging in conservation success.
  • Planning good education & outreach programme.