Community Development Vermi & Organic

Community Development through Vermi composting and Organic Farming:

ENVIRON have started the project activities of “Community Development through Vermicomposting and Organic Farming and Mitigation of Land Degradation in Hollongi Village, Papum Pare District”since 1st week of September, 2012. The duration of the project is one year and supported NABARD, Itanagar under the Rural Innovative Project (RIF).


Holongi is the fringe Village of Gohpur, Assam and foot hills of Arunachal Pradesh and all of them are dependent on agriculture with an average of more than ten bighas of plain agricultural land and the villagers (mainly 40 households) are depend on Paddy cultivation. Beneficiaries of the project are belonging to the schedule tribe (hills) with more than fifteen members in a family and they are already frustrated with their indigenous cultivation practice as they are failing to survive due to low income generation.

Only advanced sustainable cultivation practice can improve their economical condition. Moreover out of the fifty two households of the Holongi Village, domesticated animals like Cow and Goat are reared by all, Mithun is reared by twelve households and Pig is reared by twenty eight households. In this respect abundantly available “Cattle Dung” is also creating a demand to utilize these resources for production of vermicompost and “vermiwash”.